Root Canal Retreatment

Root Canal Retreatment

Occasionally, a root canal procedure is not fully effective in removing infection from a tooth. If you have noticed a lingering infection following root canal treatment, please contact KidsKare P.C. today. Our dentists may recommend root canal retreatment in Las Cruces, New Mexico, to clean out the tooth canal. Call 575-532-5437 to schedule your appointment.

If your tooth has suffered from infection or disease in the past, you may have undergone root canal therapy. In some cases, however, the root canal treatment may not have completely solved the problem. After root canal therapy, your tooth may become infected and painful once again in a matter of months or even years. This may occur if your tooth did not heal properly after root canal therapy or if a new infection has taken root in your tooth. Your tooth may not heal as expected if complicated canal anatomy went undetected during the first treatment or if the crown or other restoration was not placed directly after the endodontic treatment. No matter the reason, if the tooth has again become infected and painful, our dentist may recommend root canal retreatment.

Contact Us

Phone: 575-532-5437

Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Address: KidsKare P.C. Corporate 1405 S. Valley Drive, Suite 300, Las Cruces, NM 88005

We work hard and are dedicated to improving all our patient’s oral health and beautiful smiles!